I decided it was about time I did something with these little wooden heart blocks I got when I bought a bunch of vintage crafting supplies at an estate sale about five years back. I also realized this week that the pink tinsel Christmas tree we use in the pink and purple guest room could also be a Valentine's tree if I made some ornaments for it...
Ian is reminding me to tell you that he helped me make the garland out of construction paper and 1980's era heart stickers.
Some of the members of the Autism Support Group got together Saturday afternoon to make puzzle piece scarves to sell. The puzzle piece pattern symbolizes the puzzle of autism. This is going to be our fundraiser so that we can do some things for Autism Awareness Month in April. This is a super group of ladies, ya'll! :-)
Ian also got to get his craft on at his therapeutic riding session on Sunday.
He and several other kids in the program had a barn lesson, where they learned about horse hoof care and got to make horseshoe art. Ian came home with this little goodie he made. He said, "Mom! I am an artist!"
I am linking to the Weekend Wrapup at tatertots and jello, the Valentine's Day partys at domestic fashionista and Holiday Haven.