Our guest room was painted purple when we bought the house, and so it seems like all my pretty "girly" things have gravitated there (not that there aren't some in the master bedroom as well, but I try not to OD my husband on frilliness.) So, c'mon in! Here on the guest room door is the wreath I made as part of the decor for our wedding.
This solid cherry dresser is part of a bedroom set I inherited from my grandmother. There are too many pieces to fit into one bedroom, plus it came with two twin beds rather than a big one, so the pieces are scattered all over the house.

And here we have some knick-knackies on the dresser, on top of a lace runner my great-grandma made.

This pretty little footed dish was my grandmother's.

Here's a teacup on the nightstand, because what guest wouldn't want a cozy cup of tea?

I also wanted to share some pretty pinkness from our yard (ornamental cherry, I think)...

As well as the rose I gave my hubby for opening night of his show up at the high school. He actually really likes getting flowers on opening night, and he even likes pink because we had pink roses at our wedding (he's hopelessly sentimental---which can be sweet, when it's romantic, or frustrating when I can't get him to throw anything away!) His students did a musical parody of Star Wars that the kids and the other theatre teacher wrote.

Speaking of which, here are hubby and the little man having fun with some members of the 501st (Star Wars fan club) before the show.

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Pink Saturday. Have a fun weekend!