It's been a crazy summer and things probably aren't going to slack off soon. The hubby started his Master's degree and is taking two classes this summer, I've been busy with both the autism group and stuff for a couple of professional organizations I belong to (including a couple of papers at a conference in Phildelphia, which the guys got to go with me to), and now we just got back from Florida. I'm starting a PhD program in the Fall (in addition to my fulltime job), and it also looks like I may be doing a concert and a couple of auditions as well, so I'm getting ready for all of those challanges. Whew!
So, blogging has once again taken a backseat. But, I have been meaning to post those lovely pink caladiums I planted this spring. This was taken several weeks ago, so they are actually bigger then this by now, but I love the color! There are red and white ones in the front yard under our tree as well.

Posted to Pink Saturday!