The whole family spent a couple of hours Saturday thrifting here in Conyers. First of all, we went to Lingering Memories, one of our favorite places. Here is my son Ian, proudly displaying his find, a portable Thomas the Tank Engine set with four trains, tracks, roundhouse, and signal. This was a real kid coup for him! But the best family moment was when he put it on the counter, looked the man in the eye, and said, "Can I "bargain" this?" Then he turned to me and said, "Did you know, Mom, bargain is where you make the price lower?" That boy is something else---he keeps me in stitches! His grandma would be proud---she once talked a store employee into honoring an expired coupon and then giving her her own employee discount on top of it (naturally this is legendary in our family!)

Here is one of his mom's finds, a pair of large bowls with gold stars in the bottom. Being an ex-patriate Texan, I am a sucker for anything with a star on it!

This was another good find, an oversized quilt rack for $20. I've desperately needed one for the guest room, where the quilts all seem to end up on the floor. Can't decide if I will repaint or not; the homespun painting is kind of cute.

Then it was off to Goodwill. I had culled my Christmas collection as part of my (early) spring cleaning this month, and we had two boxes of stuff we hoped they would take, but they said, "We don't take Christmas items, because of all the recalls" ??? Which was weird, because they had a whole row of Christmas decor in the store, including the above runner and placemats (which has never even been used).

I also got a jam jar, a couple of cheap ceramics I plan to plant herbs in in the spring, and a couple of pillows for the guest room bed.
My two favorite things, though, were this little cruet with gold grape leaves on, and a set of vintage cookies cutters that were still in the package. I have a huge cookie cutter collection, including some vintage wood-handled ones my mom handed down that were my great grand-mother's, so I was all kind of excited about this! It even has recipes, including a dough ornament recipe.

I found this little cruet up front in the case and it just spoke to me. It sort of goes with the
set of gold dishes I call my "New Year's and Valentine's" dishes; normally we're not that formal, even on holidays.

Anyway, we had fun for a couple of hours until everyone (except me) got a little tired and grouchy. I also saw a set of Christmas china I liked, but I held back on that when I mentioned it and my husband almost started crying! I guess I see his point, since I already have two sets of Christmas china.
I'm posting this to Coastal Charm's
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday.
Hi Kathy! Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you! I always outlast whoever I'm thrifting with, too. Sometimes I just like to go by myself so I don't have to feel rushed, and I can hunt as long as I want.:)
Hi, I'm visiting by way of NTT. That's a cute kid you have there. He's learning some good life skills. I've never heard of a recall on Christmas :) I like the gold leaf cruet, too.
You found an amazing haul of thrifted goods! Love the photos :)
Wow...some great finds here. I love thrifting, too. I really like going by myself if I am really searching for something special. If not, I love going with a friend...love the hunt and the lunch!! :)))
Hi! I'm an ex-pat Texan too! Great finds-- I can never resist cookie cutters.
Thanks for the visit!
Looks like your day of thriftin' was really good...loved the story about your son.
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